Over the week-end I meet Ethan Mahon, Christopher Kehoe, Hanru Van Aswegen and some of their skateboard friends outside Tesco. They all met together to raise awareness of Wexford’s lack of a skateboard park. My colleague Cllr Davy Hynes has highlighted this in the past. When the lads approached me about this I suggested that they make a submission to Wexford Borough Council seeking the inclusion of such a park in the new town plan. I also suggested they get some friends to countersign. As the town plan is presently being revised I thought it was a good opportunity to get plans for a skateboard park nailed down.
The lads took me at my word and now they have over 400 names of young people who support their campaign. They went to the public consultation meeting on the town plan and according to the town clerk they were very good in making their case to planers. Fair play to them. I believe that the plan, when published and agreed by Wexford Borough Councillors, will include a skate board park. It is nothing more than they deserve. I hope however given the present economic climate that it is not too long before a skateboard park is delivered for Wexford’s teenagers. Skateboarding is set to become an Olympic sport and these lads are serious in their skating. They're worthy of our support. So much coverage of young people is negative, this issue shows their other side.
Click on the link to bebo and see how we all got on. Watch this space for updates
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