In the context of the present world economy there’s few places where there isn’t a recession. Australia seems to be the obvious place for most people. Last July I met a parent of a former pupil and when I enquired as to how he was I was told that he had lost his job in an architect’s office. I sympathised and said I hoped it wouldn’t be a case that he’d have to emigrate as there weren’t too many countries where there may be a need for architects other than Australia. His mother then went on to tell me that if nothing came up he was going out in August which he eventually did. Sad to relate that he’s not the only one going south and that he won’t be the last.

I can remember Gay Byrne telling us day after day 25 years ago that the country was “banjaxed” and that the last one leaving should put out the lights. It’s easy to say but the effect of those words on a generation of young people is damaging. We now know that the country wasn’t banjaxed and that money was stashed away from revenue in a black hole. When unions pointed this out they were told that there was no black hole, no money leaving the country for the Isle of Man, Channel Islands or Cayman. Now we know much better. Just as we have another symptom of the 1980’s back in the form of emigration I wonder has tax evasion returned too? I note that Ryanair are opening new routes to Spain from Knock and I wonder how so many people in the 2 countries appear to have so much money to support such a service when both economies are in difficulty. Property over there is much cheaper as they followed policies similar to our own government.

RTE used to run a regular feature at Christmas where Jim Fahy would go to Knock Airport to report on the return of emigrants from Mayo to London after the Christmas break. No stronger image existed of a failed right wing policy. 1 million people emigrated between 1921 and the 1991. Jim is still on the payroll of RTE, what’s the bet he’ll be back in Knock Airport next year? With no change in direction I think it’s a likelihood.
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