The Chairperson of the Board of Management Catriona Staunton had a vision of opening a school based on equity, democracy and one that would be child centred. I’ve met her bag packing, leafleting and lobbying in aid of her aspiration and you cannot be anything but enthused by her energy. The school is located in the former School of Music. This is a beautiful building with gorgeous plasterwork, fireplaces and really high ceilings. The Principal Maria and her teacher had put a huge amount of work into the opening day. All the pupils were excited at the prospect of the adults being in school, The highlight was when they sang Satchmo’s “Wonderful World” and “Sé mo Laoch mo ghile mhear” on the steps of the school.
Amy Hyland put today’s opening in the present context when she said that Educate Together didn’t visualise any further school openings this year. Other patrons such as the churches have said that they are happy to transfer patronage of some schools to other patron bodies if that is what parents wish. Clearly it’s change is coming in the area of schools in our country and I’m pleased Wexford will benefit from this change.
Unfortunately positive images like today’s get quickly forgotten in the media. I hope this school prospers and grows. May cuts like today’s live long in the memory of the school community
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