It’s the ECB, our friends in Frankfurt that
Eamon Gilmore identified who need to get real in relation to the impact of the
bail out. Liquidating IBRC or Anglo is
something that should have happened in 2008. It’s exactly what the ECB may not
like but austerity isn’t just for citizens, perhaps it’s for institutions too.
The dry reference to the Irish operation and taking note of the arrangement
between the Irish government and the Irish Central Bank can cover a multitude
of things now and into the future. Our friends in Frankfurt may need to swot up
Irish politics.
The politics of the liquidation is
interesting. Labour opposed the bank guarantee on the basis of a liquidation
being a better than the state bailout.
The logic of that position is to liquidate. Sinn Fein supported the bail
out and now oppose the liquidation. There is a perverted logic in that too if
you’re a banker, developer or believer ion socialism for the rich and
capitalism for the poor. Strange given
that the party is concerned at the number of state employees earning more than
€100K and IBRC has a significant number of them. Predictable given that the
legislation halts any legal actions against IBRC and there still remains the
matter of the Quinn assets to be decided by the courts. Sinn Fein have been
hugely supportive of Quinn. What happens
to Quinns properties now will be a matter for the court and the
liquidator. It’s not the first time
company law has needed emergency legislation.
Administration was brought in to save PMPA, Examinerships to save
Goodman. The more convoluted and complex
the fiscal shambles becomes the more exposed Sinn Fein policy is exposed for
its naivety. Are they spooked by the independents right and left?
The liquidator will pass on performing
assets to NAMA and then dispose of the left overs. Many employees may be re-employed at NAMA but
under different contracts and salaries.
Ironically Libertas who opposed the Fiscal treaty argued voting No would
lead to a better deal on bank debt. In
fact the opposite has proved correct. The beast is dead, deeply regretted by
Gerry Adams and Libertas but I for one, shed no tears. Time to move on.
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