The sheer horror of what happened in that house will never fully be known. I accept the conclusions from today’s report arising from the evidence collected and it certainly puts in the public domain the facts as can be established from the record. However I feel that the report is somewhat deficient. Its clear that there was total co-operation and in the circumstances conclusins and recommendations are easy to draw.
As a result I am surprised that sections of the report including recommendations will be blacked out. I wonder why sections are blacked out, there was no blacking

Whatever about possible libel in relation to the immediate events, why would recommendations be blacked out? Is it because there’s no money or no political will to effect change or both? What does this say about our states commitment to mental health? What we need to know is if the same situation was to happen next week what would the state services do? Telling citizens that you’ll reach again for a black marker is no answer.
Spending on the sector has dropped as a proportion of our health spending. My colleague Davy Hynes has pointed out his opposition to the downgrading of the counties psychiatric hospital at Enniscorthy. Pat Coady our Enniscorthy candidate for Wexford County Council has put the case to retain the services at St Senans especially as no improved service is to be provided in Waterford. Its not as if the county hasn’t been down this road before as 3 years ago a local woman took her 2 children into Wexford Town, called to a local hospital seeking a social worker and when advised that there was no such service available at that hospital promptly left and took her family to a nearby beach and drowned herself and her children. Last year on the anniversary of Monageer another family was found dead following a house fire in Clonroche after the husband killed his wife and then himself.
No out of hours social service is provided in Wexford for people on the edge, after these 3 tragic episodes. If that is the best that could be provided after 15 years of wealth , what can we expect from Mary Harney now? Because it is Minister Harney’s ultimate responsibility not Barry Andrews nor John Maloney. If the will isn’t there at the very top to prioritise mental health I fear that tragedies like Monageer could happen again. I hope I’m very wrong.
1 comment:
I have read parts of the report with grim fascination as it is so close to the bone professionally - there but for whatever go any of us PHNs. It was such a dreadful tragedy, every day and every contact with families you wonder could it happen again and you know the answer is that you never know. This family were certainly flagged up for so much intervention yet the system seems to have failed in ways that may never be clear thanks to the blackout imposed on the final report. I cannot imagine why the recommendations were censored, it seems to fly in the face of any logic. The one thing that stood out for me was the way there is no inter-professional access to records that might lead to seeing the big picture. Lots of intervention with every discipline reporting in their own area with no sharing across disciplines can lead to this compartmentalising. I know it is so sensitive and families have to be considered but there was a sense of fatalism in the statement that it couldn't have been prevented. We'll wait and see will the recommendations be acted on, at least those we are privy to.
I agree about the other inquiry reports that were fully reported on. Openness and transparency?
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