But today there’s even more! A reshuffle was to be held to fill the cabinet seats of departing cabinet and junior ministers. The best of FF strokes to pack the cabinet with as many members as possible was rumbled by the greens who have in the last few years packed as many party members into ministries, the senate and state bodies. The offshot of the whole thing is that the government is collapsing into a disorganised shambles that puts Fianna Fail first.
The Greens have still indicated that they want to stay in office to facilitate the finance act even though there is no trust between them and Fianna Fail. What they need to tell us is do they mean if the finance bill passes the Dail or the Seanád. Next week will see the Labour motion of no confidence and bizarrely the greens may vote in support of a discredited and shambolic government.
There's just 9 cabinet ministers left and if the greens 2 ministers go there will be less than half the cabinet left! There may not be a quorum for a cabinet meeting! If Cowen is shown the door by the FF backbenchers then the country may not have a government the ministres may have to tripple up in responsibility!.
Prolonging polling day to March 11 will draw out the pain and indecisiveness. The time has come to draw a line under the shambles of Ahern & Cowen. Let’s have an election now and a debate between Labour and Fine Gael about issues as to who’s best able to lead a new government.
It is an absolute farce, isn't it? As a journo and politics addict I'm absorbing all I can, but I'm staggered at the ineptitude and chaos over the last few days.
Biffo seriously miscalculated the MoC in himself, Lennie inserted foot into mouth and went down in flames, Martin's lurking in the (post-election) wings, Mammy O'Rourke's stirring the pot... it's great, isn't it?
If it wasn't so serious.
I agree. A complete farce that shows that FF are more interested in themselves than the rest of us. I think that the best resolution is for Cowen to call an election however given that the new FF leader will be elected within days theres precious little time for those who care about the country
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